1. Create a PDS and 5 Memebers
2. Create a PS and 5 members
3. Write COBOL program for Addtion of 2 numbers (ADDPRG)
4. Write COBOL program for subtraction of 2 numbers (SUB PRG)
5. Write COBOL program for multiplication of 2 numbers (MULPRG)
6. Write COBOL program for division of 2 numbers (DIVPRG)
7. Write a JCL program to excute ADDPRG using DD *
8. Write a JCL program to excute ADDPRG using DD Dummy..
9. Write a JCL program to excute ADDPRG,SUBPRG,MULPRG and DIVPRG.
10. Write a JCL prgram to set TIME for above program and watch.
11. Write a JCL program to create a PS
12. Write a JCL program to create a PDS.
13. Write a JCL catalog procedure for ADDPRG and call it from other JCL program.
14. Write a JCL instream procedure for ADDPRG and call it.
15. Write a JCL procedure with Symbolic Parameter.
16. Write a JCL procedure with Overriding Parameter
17. Write a COBOL Program to copy records from one file to other file.
18. Write a JCL program to copy data from PS to PS using IEBGENER.
19. Write a JCL program to copy all data from PDS to PDS using IEBCOPY.
20. Write a JCL program to copy selected data from PDS to PDS using IEBCOPY.
21. Write a JCL program to copy other than selected data from PDS to PDS using IEBCOPY.
22. Write a JCL program to print all data from PS using IEBPTPCH
23. Write a JCL program to Rename a Dataset using IEHPROGM
24. Write a JCL program to Delete a Dataset using IEHPROGM
25. Write a JCL program to Catalog a Dataset using IEHPROGM
26. Write a JCL program to Un-Catalog a Dataset using IEHPROGM
27. Write a JCL program to sort records in Ascending order using SORT
28. Write a JCL program to sort records in Descending order using SORT
29. Write a JCL program to sort records with atleast 2 fields order using SORT

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