BATCH (cont'd)
• If a proc that is part of the CA7 test cycle was changed to point to test versions of sysins, load modules, etc., that have subsequently been implemented into production, change the SYS1.PRODPROC member as needed to access the production components.
• If a new job was either added or had a scheduling change, update the constellation in PAL INFO/Hotbook/ACES Constellation
• If a new ISOT job was either added or had a change in the purpose, frequency or scheduling dependencies, update the document SERVER/PAL INFO/SUPPLEMENTAL HOTBOOK /ISOTLST.DOC.
• If a new batch program has been added, update the Batch Program Listing for new programs Pal Info \ Listprogdesc \Batchcbl.XLS.
• Delete proc member from signout document located in the current implementation folder.
• If a program results in an update, insert or delete to a propagated database or DB2 Table, update the DPROP Batch System Profile in Pal Info \ ACES \ Propagation Profile \ BTCHPROF.XLS.
• Delete program from TDF if it was imported in.
• Cleanup your own libraries of MFS source code, format and referral members.
• If you had MFS changes, delete the format and referal members from IMSVSH.TFORMAT and IMSVSH.TREFERAL, using Aces panel Q.10 (option 5). Create the format and referal members for new MFS in 'OTXX94.TELON21.TFORMAT' and 'OTXX94.TELON21.TREFERAL' (used for BTS testing). Delete the OX version of the MFS source (used for the X system) from BATCH.PANLIB.
• Change IMST link map to refer back to the prod. library using Aces panel Q.7.11.2.
• Run the IMST link using the production OBJ's using Aces panel Q.11.3.
• Run the IMST bind using Aces panel Q.14.1
• If a program change results in an update, insert or delete to a propagated Database or DB2 Table, update the DPROP Online System Profile in Pal Info \ ACES \ Propagation Profile \ ONLNPROF.XLS
• If a new online program has been added, update the Link group Document PAL INFO/
List Prog/ DESC/ Linkgrp.doc

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