Background: The following are the procedural changes that were created in response to DPROP development. As DPROP developed, and more DB2 was added to programs, it became clear that Audatex could experience some difficulty. Since the batch loads were copied from System C shortly after 4pm, but the batch bind job does not run until 8pm, the 6pm or 9pm Audatex run could run into mismatched links & binds. At the same time we started to look into this problem, it was decided that all Audatex runs for any day should run from the same load. The only reasonable way to solve both of these problems was to move the Audatex jobs from 'PROD.OT.BTCHLOAD' to 'PROD.OT.DI.IMSLOADP'. Since Endevor was installed, the Audatex jobs are now in 'PROD.OT.END.DI.IMSLOAD'. (When the programs are moved to Endevor Stage 2, they are temporarily loaded into PROD.OT.END.STAGE.LOADLIB; then OTBTCHCP copies them to PROD.OT.END.LOADLIB; then OTDILODP copies them to PROD.OT.END.DI.IMSLOAD, from which they execute -- although OTMISCED also executes from PROD.OT.END.LOADLIB via proc OTMISC1P.)
Now Audatex jobs execute from library 'PROD.OT.END.DI.IMSLOAD'. It is updated each morning between 5 and 6 am, which means that all 6 executions of the Audatex procs on a given day run with the same load modules. It also means that anyone making changes to the programs or the procs must proceed with caution.
These programs are included in Audatex processing:
OTMISCED, OT51B10, OT52B10, and OT54B10.
Use the following procedures when making changes to Audatex:
- Move programs to Endevor Stage 2 the DAY BEFORE the changes are to run for the first time.
- Make any proc changes between 6:30 and 10:00 AM the day AFTER PROGRAM CHANGES ARE MADE. (That is, the day the changes are to take effect.) With Endevor, you don't have to physically make the change at a set time:
just set up the production Package Execution Window to run at the appropriate time.
- If changes are made to OTMISCED, review the changes carefully to determine if there are any special considerations. Remember that OTMISCED runs in the batch cycle also, so from the evening it is moved to Endevor Stage 2, the batch cycle will run with the NEW version. This happens because the move action first puts the module into PROD.OT.END.STAGE.LOADLIB; then the external copy job, OTBTCHCP, runs between 7 and 8 PM, copying the contents of the stage load library to PROD.OT.END.LOADLIB. Some fancy footwork may be required to synchronize changes. (Note: this consideration existed prior to the change to PROD.OT.END.DI.IMSLOAD.) However, some of the footwork is
less fancy than before Endevor, because you can set the Package Execution Window to a time that suits your needs.
The program OT55B10 (proc OTAURCVP) runs on system D and continues to run
out of PROD.OT.END.LOADLIB. This means that changes to this program take
effect for the 9 pm Audatex cycle. If this is not acceptable for a
specific change, the program may need to be 'forced' during the day.

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