If you are forcing a program into production during the day here are some
things to remember/consider:
1. Do you need to turn off screens? Stop transactions? Notify
Claims Systems/ACES-FSS-NCC Help desks/Tom Jost/Stat/Financial/Technical team?
2. Add the program to Endevor stage 1
3. Generate the linkcard using COPYBACK=Y
4. Move the element(s) to Endevor stage 2
5. Have Operations demand into CA7 OTONLNCP and/or OTBTCHCP and/or OTDBRMCP WITH OUT TRIGGERS to copy the members from the stage 2 libraries to production. Make sure yours are the only members in the stage 2 libraries first.
6. Run OTD2BIND and/or OTD2BBND WITHOUT TRIGGERS if necessary with the appropriate bind reset job following it. OTBINDRP follows OTD2BIND, OTBBNDRP
7. Verify the MFS on all systems
8. Have IMS refresh the LLA & regions (BE SURE TO SPECIFY G & A)
NOTE: There is a timing issue between the bind and region refresh. If the new bind is done and the region refresh is not done right away, the load module will be out of sync with the application plan(s) and a -818 may occur. Similarly, if the region refresh is done and the bind is not done right away, the application plan(s) will be out of sync with the new load module and a -818 may occur.
9. Turn on screens, start transactions, test, notify the above
NOTE: MFS should NOT be forced in at all costs.

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