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1. What is JCL?
2. Difference between JCL and COBOL-II
3. What is JOB?
4. What is PROC?
5. What are the difference between JOB and PROC?
6. List all JCL statements
7. What is EXEC statement?
8. What is DD statement?
9. What is meant by // and /* and //*
10. What is PROC and PEND statement?
11. What is OUTPUT statement?
12. How many EXEC statement allowed in a single JCL? (255)
13. How many DD statement allowed in a single JCL? (3273)
14. Explain JCL coding format
15. What is Parameter? Tell its 2 types.
18. What is JOBNAMEs? Explain its rules.
19. What is 2 parts of POSITIONAL PARAMETER?
20. Explain Accounting Information in POSITIONAL PARAMETER
21. Explain Programmer Information in POSITIONAL PARAMETER
22. What is KEYWORD PARAMETER? How do u find it ? (By = sign)
23. What is CLASS Parameter?
24. What is PRTY Parameter?
25. What is MSGCLASS Parameter?
26. What is MSGLEVEL Parameter?
27. Explain MSGLEVEL(0,1), MSGLEVEL(0,2), MSGLEVEL(1,1),
28. What is COND Parameter?
29. What is meant by Return code?
30. RC=0, RC=8 , RC>8 , RC=3000 explain it
31. What is the range of the RC (0-4095)
32. Explain TIME Parameter

33. How do terminate a job? (3 methods COND, // , TIME)
34. Explain RESTART Parameter
35. Explain TYPERUN Parameter
36. What is HOLD and SCAN ?
37. Explain ADDRSPC Parameter
38. What is REAL and VIRT? (Default is VIRT)
39. Explain REGION Parameter
40. Explain NOTIFY Parameter
41. List all JOB Parameters.
42. What is EXEC Statement? How many EXEC statement allowed in a JCL?
43. What is PGM, PROC, PARM, COND and TIME Parameters?
44. Explain ONLY / EVEN in COND Parameter.
45. What is the difference between JOB COND and EXEC COND parameters?
46. What us PARM Parameter? Can u explain it with a COBOL Program?
47. What is DD Stands for?
48. Explain the DD statement rules
49. What is the difference between DD Statement and PARM statement (3 points)
50. What is the difference between DD * , DD Data and DUMMY statement.