These two DB2-only transactions are unique in that they are available to the field
for 23 hours a day, 6 days a week (6 X 23). They are retrieved from and moved to
Endevor in the usual way, but they are isolated in their own IMSG region (IMGPRODG).
When Endevor links the transactions, they are moved to PROD.OT.END.STAGE.IMSLOAD.
An external job, OTONLNCP, copies everything from the stage load library to
PROD.OT.END.IMSLOAD, the ACES online load library. However, since the DI members
must occupy their own region, another external job, OTDILODP, copies the DI members
from PROD.OT.END.IMSLOAD to PROD.OT.END.DI.IMSLOAD, from which they actually
execute. This job runs after IMSG is brought down, between 5 and 6 in the morning.
The normal MFS test-t-prod procedures should be followed. Screen format changes can create problems since the format library flip happens at around midnight, Monday through Friday, and at 5:00 PM on Saturdays. Additionally, the TP room should be notified to stop the transaction (DISCHED or DITABLE) at midnight that weeknight.
DB2 Binds (System G)
Production binds should be done each time a new load module is created regardless of whether SQL has been changed.
When you relink either DI load module and move it back into Stage 2 (production), in addition to moving the load to the correct production load library, Endevor sets up the input to the production bind. It takes the appropriate Endevor DI binddeck member and loads it into the sequential dataset, PROD.OT.DI.PRODBIND. This is input to the bind job, OTD2BDIP. This process ensures that a production bind is done each time either DI load module has changed.
Verification (System G)
1. Check job OTDILODP in $AVRS to make sure the load module was copied to
2. Check job OTD2BDIP to make sure the bind was successful.
Note: Both of these jobs run when IMSG is brought down between 5:00 AM and 6:15 AM the following day.

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