When your manager Receives/Reviews/Assigns a PROJECT:
1) The PROJECT Requestor
2) PROJECT Requestor's Supervisor
3) PMSO (Personal Market Support Operations)
RSIP (Risk Service Information Processes)
4) The Analyst to which the PROJECT is assigned
5) Business Market (for STAT Changes)
Personal Market (for STAT Changes)
When you start to work on a PROJECT, please notify the following people
to set Client TESTING and PRODUCTION implementation dates:
1) The PROJECT Requestor
2) The PROJECT Requestor's Supervisor
3) Your Project Leader
4) PMSO (Personal Market Support Operations)
RSIP (Risk Service Information Processes)
5) ACES on-call employees, Manager - IS
6) Business Market for STAT Changes
Personal Markets for STAT Changes
7) Look at Palinfo-Admin-Endevor-CHGNOTFY.XLS. There are several other groups that
must be notified if we make changes in ACES to certain designated programs. The
SCREEN CHANGE NOTIFICATION EXCEL Spreadsheet will identify the programs, that if
changed, will impact other groups, and who should be notified. The Project
Leader should contact these other groups at the very beginning of the project to
ensure that they have the appropriate time needed to make any necessary changes.
When you have completed your System Testing, please notify the following people:
1) The PROJECT Requestor
2) The PROJECT Requestor's Supervisor
3) Your Project (Personal Market Support Operations)
RSIP (Risk Service Information Processes)
4) On-call employees, Manager - IS
When Claims Systems completes their Client TESTING, clients should notify:
1) The PROJECT Requestor
2) The PROJECT Requestor's Supervisor
3) Your Project Leader
3) Individual PMSO contact (Personal Market Support Operations)
4) Individual RSIP contact (Risk Service Information Processes)
5) On-call employees, Manager - IS
A couple of days before the Production Implementation, please notify:
1) The PROJECT Requestor
2) The PROJECT Requestor's Supervisor
3) Your Project Leader
4) PMSO (Personal Market Support Operations)
(Risk Service Information Processes)
5) ACES Manager - IS and ACES SR. I/S Assistant (All changes)
6) Individual contact for Business Market changes
7) Individual contact for Personal Market changes

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